3. Park automobiles off streets at night.
4. Exercise care in the selection and use of taxis, cyclos, etc., particularly at night. Do not permit drivers to deviate from desired route.
5. Advise servants of their responsibilities for residential security. Instruct them not to admit unknown persons to the premises without your authority and not to accept unsolicited packages delivered by persons unknown to them.
6. Employ alternate routes to and from work if possible.
7. Curtail late night movement on streets.
8. Exercise fullest degree of personal good conduct in public places.
9. Refrain from forming in groups when outside billets or place of duty.
10. Leave word when you will return home if entire family is away from billets. If no servant is present, leave note for Area Chief on door.
11. Immediately report any unusual or suspicious acts or occurrences to the Embassy Security Officer during normal duty hours or to the Embassy Marine Guard during other than normal duty hours.
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